13 Character and Finn

In this episode I dig into what makes character work, whether we’re building one or living with one in our head long after the novel is over. What?

I discuss a character I developed in an unusual manner for The Icarus Triptych by building him on a character in a television show, which also meant using a real actor’s voice and manner and so on. Is it a good idea? Does it help or hurt your development of that character?

There are a lot of essential elements that go into a good character. We all recognize a flat one when we see one, but what turns a flat character into one with a powerful engine that drives them?

I also think a lot about character in terms of athletics, as I’m watching Olympic soccer. Oh, I love it when the winners comfort the losers when the losing team is absolutely breaking down crying. Maybe that says something about MY character.

Lest you think me ungrateful for exploiting this poor actor this way, I dedicated The Icarus Triptych to actor Nick Blood. It’s right there in black and white. And because I’m incredibly anxious but not CHICKENSHIT, I sent him a set of the books. So there we go.


14 Conjunctions, Consequences, and Murderbot


12 Roald Dahl’s Boy and Autobiography