14 Conjunctions, Consequences, and Murderbot

The Murderbot books are some of my most read favorites, so please don’t take this nuts and bolts discussion of conjunctions as criticism. Even though I suppose technically it is. There’s a grammatical tic in the books that drives me crazy, but I grade a lot—no, more than that—and can’t turn off editor brain.

One of us has a problem and it’s not the world-famous author, put it that way.

But! For writers, this is something to think about. How we connect thoughts matters on a micro and macro level both.

I was running on five nights of insufficient sleep and talking through an asthma attack while recording, so I apologize for any ironic shortcomings in the connection of logical thoughts department.

There’s a better explanation of the comma plus and problem, with examples, on Story on the Brain, next tab over on the website. Here’s a link: https://storyonthebrain.blogspot.com/2022/07/comma-plus-and.html

I had thought about re-recording, but when moving a large TV utterly wrecked a muscle that’s essential to sitting upright, such that I scream all the time. It’s great! It’s not. It’s also very bad for recording.

Shout out to the great Amy Cherie Ralston for her insights on Battlestar Galactica way back in 2006! She’s so smart.

Sacred Cheese of Life!


15 Treating People Like Things


13 Character and Finn