5 The Idiot Plot

In the fifth episode, I take a look at a common literary phenomenon known as the Idiot Plot.

That’s a plot that only works because someone is an idiot. If regular people were in it, it would fall apart.

There’s a very good much longer definition on Wikipedia. I recommend reading that.

I look at a YA novel, a literary novel, and a movie in the context of the idiot plot, but I don’t name the novels. If that’s going to drive you crazy, be warned. I do finally name the movie. Also I wrote about all three on Story on Brain, but saying it is a little different in some way I can’t pin down.

I’m also writing Summerlands like a bat out of hell, 25,000 words and counting in the past week, which also means I’m not sleeping because it turned my head into one of those pointy-headed Cylons from the original Battlestar Galactica, translucent and full of twinkly lights. This guy. By your command.

Sacred cheese of life!


6 Andor


4 The Last Flight of Dr. Ain