11 Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future

Here’s an amazing young adult novel by A.S. King, Glory O’Brien’s History of the Future.

I dig into how fiction and life interact and how this particular book has changed the lives of a lot of the people I made read it. Look, it’s my job, making people read things. Focus on the part about how it changed their lives.

It’s worthwhile to ask yourself which texts have changed your own life, really. I mention a few other ones. Try William Cullen Bryant’s poem “Thanatopsis” for some life-changing insights, for example.

I also answer some questions about toxic masculinity and the good girl/sad boy thing we hate to see, along with any other manipulative power dynamic. Yuck. Send me more listener questions! I love them.

The dog was restless and jingly. The cat did not make an appearance. Hozier started playing a song to tell me to study Norwegian at 8:00. I get into the deals we make with the universe when the universe has no idea anything of the sort is happening and never signed that deal at all.

I don’t talk much about my own writing because I’ve been swimming, which I can’t shut up about, because while it’s healthy and all, it’s ruining my life. My brain is pudding if I swam earlier that day, and then I don’t sleep, sometimes at all. Super fun! It’ll pass, right? Because I have books to write.

Thank you so much, everyone who has bought my books! You’re amazing and I have hearts for eyes! Ahhhhh!

If anyone wants to rate and review this thing on Apple Podcasts, that would be awesome. Thank you so much!


12 Roald Dahl’s Boy and Autobiography


10 Matilda